Lillian Daudi
PhD Student
Research interests:
- Ecosystem ecology
- Ecosystem structure and functioning
- Ecosystem restoration and monitoring
- Ecosystem services
- Mapping ecosystems and their services

Contact Info
BSc, Environmental Studies, Mason (2004)
MSc, Marine Ecological Management (2009)
Research Question
How does habitat disturbance affect the ecosystem functioning in tropical seagrass meadows?
Currently, I am focusing on the impacts of herbivory on ecosystem functioning in shallow Thalassodendron ciliatum meadows where the focus is at the microscale trophic level (epiphytic assemblages and fish larvae) as well as the macro-scale trophic level (fish assemblages) and how their habitat use is related to degradation. Further, my research interests are focused also on how the physiological and morphological traits of seagrass plants can be used to make specific predictions regarding seagrass response to disturbances.
Prof. Marleen De Troch, Dr. Jacqueline Uku
Research theme(s)